Assessment Submissions Student Name* Unit*BSBWHS201 Contribute to health and safety of self and othersCUADTM301 - Assist with dance teachingBSBWOR203 - Work effectively with othersCHCECE006 Support behaviour of children and young peopleCUADLT301 Develop basic dance analysis skillsCUAMLT201 Develop and apply musical ideas and listening skillsCUADAN304 Develop dance improvisation skillsSISCCR032A Apply legal and ethical instructional skillsCUAWHS403 Incorporate anatomy and nutrition principles into skill developmentCUASTA301 Assist with production operations for live performancesTAEASS301B Contribute to assessmentOtherUnit Other* File* Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, mov, mpg, mp4, mpeg, avi, webm, mpv, m4v, m4p, wmv, flv, swf, qt, Max. file size: 220 MB, Max. files: 5. CAPTCHA